2285 Battersea Rd (Unity Project)
Throughout the summer period work on-site was primarily agricultural in nature. There is currently little activity with most of the heavy equipment having been removed from the site. Mr. Bar has indicated that this site is currently the subject of "an active enforcement case". Frankly, I don’t know what that means; however, last winter a road was created crossing the two small wetlands on the west side of the land-locked portion of the property. This work was in violation of the approved zoning by-law that stipulated a 7.5 metre setback from the wetlands. I have not been able to get an update on the status of the "active enforcement case".
1174 McAdoo’s Lane (Zoning By-Law Amendment)
This zoning by-law amendment was approved on September 21, 2021. A copy of the zoning by-law amendment is here.
1533 McAdoo’s Lane (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - Wrecking Yard)
The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment were approved by City Council on November 17, 2021. The appeal period for this project closes on at 4:30 pm on December 9. 2021. Copies of the Notice of Approval and Notice of Passing are viewable here and here.
2413 Perth Rd (Zoning By-law Amendment)
This is a new application (D14-023-2020) applies to three (3) parcels located at 1547 Unity Road, 2429 Perth Road and 2413 Perth Road in the City of Kingston. The intent of the application is to permit a mixed-use development containing a variety of commercial uses, and four (4) accessory dwelling units above one of the new commercial buildings. The general location is the southwest corner of the intersection of Perth and Unity Roads. The Planning Committee held a Public Meeting to receive public input concerning this application at its meeting on February 4, 20201. This application remains in Technical Review while the Comprehensive Report is prepared. The Comprehensive Report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff. Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
Our constitution requires that the AGM be conducted within 13 months of the last AGM. Our last AGM was on February 12, 2020, so we are in violation of our constitution. Our inability to gather due to COVID-19 restrictions has been the reason that we have not held the AGM within the prescribed timeframe. Current restrictions will preclude us from gathering until at least the end of the year. We are tentatively planning to conduct the AGM in January 2021, assuming gathering restrictions are lifted by then. A notice of the AGM will be provided at least 14 days in advance.
Stay safe and healthy!
Dave Pentney
Glenburnie Resident's Association
Countryside Councilor, Gary Oosterhof, will host a Rural Broadband Virtual District Meeting on May 12 at 6 p.m.
Residents will be provided an information update on rural broadband initiatives in Kingston and have the opportunity to offer their feedback and experiences on Internet access in their communities.
Chaired by City of Kingston Councilor Gary Oosterhof, the District Meeting will include updates from:
Bryan Paterson, Mayor of Kingston
Lanie Hurdle, CAO, City of Kingston
Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN)
Craig Desjardins, Director, Office of Strategy, Innovation & Partnerships, City of Kingston
Kevin McCauley, Director, Measurement & Communications, Utilities Kingston
To register to participate, please click the link below:
Pitch –In Kingston
Pitch-In Kingston is Sustainable Kingston’s annual community-wide clean up to encourage preservation and sustainability through the cleaning up of waste from local parks, streets, and shorelines. Pitch-In Kingston will take place from April 18 - 25, 2021. GRA members are encouraged to get involved in this very worthwhile activity. In our area we encourage members to marshal their neighbours to focus on two neglected areas – Battersea and Perth Roads from McAdoo’s lane north to the municipal boundary. For more details and to register please check the following link: Pitch-In 2021 Registration — Sustainable Kingston
2285 Battersea Rd (Unity Project)
There has been quite a lot going on at this site. Many of you will have seen the addition and spreading of earth on the southwestern portion of the property with more being dumped in January. Beginning the end of January through to mid-March this earth was distributed to a depth of just under a metre. There was a lot of activity in the northwestern section of the property as well, with chainsaws and chippers working and gravel trucks coming and going. Curiously there is a short new road that enters the hydro right of way with some bush clearing taking place on what seems to be the hydro side of the property line. Concerned neighbours reported this work to the City and offered their opinions that this was site alteration, notwithstanding that no Site Alteration permit had been posted.
About a month ago, James Bar, the City’s lead planner on this project sought permission from adjacent neighbours to walk their property lines in order to view the site. He was surprised and shocked to see that a road had been constructed parallel to the property line that connects the unfinished entrance from Unity Rd to the northwest corner of the property. Construction of this road entailed the removal of numerous trees. The road has also traversed the wetland areas on the western side of the property – they have been filled with gravel to support the road, despite the recommendation in the Environmental Study to leave a minimum of a 7.5 metre buffer around these areas.
There is currently little activity with most of the heavy equipment having been removed from the site. Mr. Bar has indicated that this site is currently the subject of “an active enforcement case”. Frankly, I don’t know what that means. It is clear that BPE has done significant site alteration without a permit. The City’s Site Alteration By-law outlines the consequences for doing that and they are significant.
1174 McAdoo’s Lane (Zoning By-Law Amendment)
No change from last update. This remains in Technical Review while the Comprehensive Report is prepared.
1533 McAdoo’s Lane (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - Wrecking Yard)
The Comprehensive Report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff. Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
2413 Perth Rd (Zoning By-law Amendment)
This is a new application (D14-023-2020) applies to three (3) parcels located at 1547 Unity Road, 2429 Perth Road and 2413 Perth Road in the City of Kingston. The intent of the application is to permit a mixed-use development containing a variety of commercial uses, and four (4) accessory dwelling units above one of the new commercial buildings. The general location is the southwest corner of the intersection of Perth and Unity Roads. The Planning Committee held a Public Meeting to receive public input concerning this application at its meeting on February 4, 20201. This application remains in Technical Review while the Comprehensive Report is prepared. The Comprehensive Report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff. Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
Our constitution requires that the AGM be conducted within 13 months of the last AGM. Our last AGM was on February 12, 2020, so we are in violation of our constitution. Our inability to gather due to COVID-19 restrictions has been the reason that we have not held the AGM within the prescribed timeframe. Current restrictions will preclude us from gathering until at least the end of April. We are tentatively planning to conduct the AGM in May, assuming gathering restrictions are lifted by then. A notice of the AGM will be provided at least 14 days in advance.
Stay safe and healthy!
Dave Pentney
Glenburnie Resident's Association
2285 Battersea Rd (Unity Project)
There is no change from the last update. There has been no activity on this development since the Official Plan Amendment and related Zoning By-law amendment were passed. The Applicant has not yet submitted the Site Plan Application. The Lead Planner, James Bar, will let me know when the site plan application has been posted on DASH.
1174 McAdoo’s Lane (Zoning By-Law Amendment)
This zoning by-law amendment is seeking to re-designate a portion of A1 prime agricultural land to a site-specific M4-X zone. There remain a number of concerns with this application, with the two major ones being the fact that the proposed uses are already being used and have been for some time, and the lack of the requirement for a hydrogeological study. The Planning Committee held a Public Meeting on January 14th, 2021 to solicit public input on this application. This application remains in Technical Review while the Comprehensive Report is prepared. The Comprehensive Report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff. Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
1533 McAdoo’s Lane (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - Wrecking Yard)
The Planning Committee held a Public Meeting to consider this application on December 17th, 2021 to solicit public input on this application. This application remains in Technical Review while the Comprehensive Report is prepared. The Comprehensive Report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff. Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
2413 Perth Rd (Zoning By-law Amendment)
This is a new application (D14-023-2020) applies to three (3) parcels located at 1547 Unity Road, 2429 Perth Road and 2413 Perth Road in the City of Kingston. The intent of the application is to permit a mixed-use development containing a variety of commercial uses, and four (4) accessory dwelling units above one of the new commercial buildings. The general location is the southwest corner of the intersection of Perth and Unity Roads. The Planning Committee will hold a Public Meeting to receive public input concerning this application at its meeting on February 4, 2021.(View the notice here).Following the Public Meeting this application will remain in Technical Review while the Comprehensive Report is prepared. The Comprehensive Report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff. Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
Get Involved Kingston
The City of Kingston is being proactive in seeking public input on a variety of issues through its Get Involved Kingston public engagement platform (https://getinvolved.cityofkingston.ca/). I encourage you to register on this site so you have an opportunity to provide a direct comment on those issues that are important to you.
Stay safe and healthy!
Dave Pentney
ChairGlenburnie Residents'